Mt.Jade is in Metamorphoses
lololol (Xia Lin, Sheryl Cheung), Shin Hanagata, Yujun Wang
2020台北芸術祭の委嘱作品であり、台湾新芸術賞の最終選考に残った《Sun Moon Lake is a Cement Box》に続き、アート団体lolololは、日本人アーティストの花形槙、音楽アーティストの王榆鈞と組み、身体、映像、実験的な音響装置や歌を通して、山の地下にある感情的な記憶ファイルや技術的な意識を探求する《Mt.Jade is in Metamorphoses》を発表する。 土地の下に堆積した精神的なエネルギーは、どのように解凍され、今日の人間と自然の関係、そして明日の記憶へと変容していくのだろうか。(Taipei Arts Festival紹介文より和訳)
With the sporadic sounding of mechanical pulsations, you travel through the veins of plants to enter a technocratic city and its memory of the future. Here black water gushes between rock boulders, while a gust of wind stirs up sand and turns the skyscrapers in front of you into blocks of heated gold.
Multiple commands / archives / information as bodies / decode / generate / natural phenomena
Artificial world / reproduction / resource allocation / functional reorganization / training paths / aggregation
Following "Sun Moon Lake is a Cement Box", a 2020 Taipei Arts Festival commission and shortlisted performance for the Taishin Art Award, lololol teams up with artist Shin Hanagata and musician Wang Yujun to explore emotional memory and technological consciousness through the human body, plants, images, experimental sound and song. What does the spiritual energy stored underneath our land reveal about the relationship between man and nature today, and of the memory tomorrow? (From Taipei Arts Festival introduction text)
一次提取多個指令 / 檔案 / 資訊身體 / 解碼 / 生成 / 自然現象
人造世界 / 生機繁殖 / 調配資源 / 功能重組 / 訓練路徑 / 聚合體
繼2020年臺北藝術節委製、入圍台新藝術獎的《日月潭是一個水泥盒》後,藝術組織 lololol 與日本藝術家花形槙(Shin Hanagata)、音樂藝術家王榆鈞組隊推出《玉山是一個處理器》,透過身體、影像、實驗聲響裝置與歌聲,鑽探山岳之下的情感記憶檔案和科技意識,而沉積在土地之下的精神能量又如何被解壓縮為今日人與自然的關係,生成為明日的記憶?

Taipei Arts Festival 2023(Taipei Performing Arts Center)
Photography: 洪嘉瑜, Jojo Kao, 截圖
How to be a plant
text by Shin Hanagata
1: まずは、5分かけて良い感じの土の上を3メートルほど歩いてみる。体の隅々の筋肉と骨と腱の構造が動くのがわかる。空間に無限の解像度があることがわかる。だんだんとそれに近づける。10分、1時間かけて歩く。
a: 接木について。樹木は他の樹木の枝と自らの断面を繋ぎ合わせることで癒合することができる。樹木の断面と人間の身体の断面を繋ぎ合わせても癒合することはできないが、樹木に自らの身体を取り付けてみる。すると樹木の硬さ、風の受け方、音、匂い、リズムが自分の体に入ってくるのがわかる。それにしたがって存在してみる。枝は手になり、胴体は幹になり樹体と肉体は混じり合う。
2: さらに遅くする。水を携帯して1日、1週間をかけて土の上の3mを歩く。断食を1週間以上することは危険なので、エネルギーを得る必要があるので、土を食べる(ピートと呼ばれる食用の土があるらしい)。
b: 皮膚について。樹木の皮膚はとても乾燥している。アトピー性皮膚炎のようにひび割れる。水分をなくすために表面の油分を洗い流す。強い石鹸またはブリーチ剤をかけて放置する。
3: 人間の筋肉では長時間立つことが難しくなってくるので、keeperたちに支柱を立ててもらっても良い。携帯した水や土がなくなったらkeeperたちにもらいながら、1ヶ月、半年、1年をかけて3mを歩く。周りの人間たちの動きが徐々に感知できないほど速く見えてくる。言葉を失う。
c: 種について。あなたが精子を作ることができるなら、それをkeeperに採取してもらい、卵子をもつ他の木に注入してもらう。またはあなたが卵子を持っているなら他の木から採取された精子を注入してもらう。
4: さらにさらに遅くする。10年、30年、50年をかけて土の上を3mだけ歩く。keeperたちも世代交代し、街も移り変わる。友達も私のことを忘れていく。警察がやってきても、もうあなたが人間であるか判別できないようだ。でもそれも気にならない。周りにたくさんの木たちがいて、ストロボのように1日が瞬く。
d: 光合成について。近年の研究では光と二酸化炭素からデンプンを生成する技術が開発されたようだ。さらに、自ら殖える。人工幹細胞を生成してクローンを作ることがすでに猿で成功している。あとは、「人間の尊厳」などの問題を残して実現されることを待つだけだ。それらももう1歩踏み出すくらいの時間で実用化されるはずだ。少しだけそれを待つ。
5: やがて枯れる。
Before considering how to become a tree, humans may already be trees. They breathe, sense light, and have arms and legs that can move. We have body fluids, tubes that transport nutrients and water, skin where fungi and insects come and create an ecosystem.
But let's get closer to trees.
The Banyan is called the walking tree. It puts its roots down from its branches towards the ground and takes decades to take one step. Try walking slowly like that. Gradually slow down the sense of time.
1: First, walk for about 5 minutes on good soil and take about 3 meters. You can feel the structure of every muscle, bone, and tendon in your body moving. You realize that there is infinite resolution in space. Get closer to trees little by little. Walk for 10 minutes, 1 hour.
a: About grafting. Trees can heal by connecting their branches with their own cross-sections. But it is impossible to heal by connecting the cross-section of a tree and the body of a human. However, try attaching your body to a tree. You will notice the hardness of the tree, how it receives the wind, the sound, smell, and rhythm. Exist accordingly. The branches become hands, the body becomes the trunk, and the tree and the body mix.
2: Slow down further. Take water and walk 3m on the soil taking a day or a week. It is dangerous to fast for more than a week, so you need to get energy by eating soil (there is edible soil called peat).
b: About skin. The tree's skin is very dry. It cracks like atopic dermatitis. To remove the moisture, wash off the surface oil. Apply strong soap or bleach and leave it.
3: It becomes difficult to stand for a long time with human muscles, so you can ask the keepers to put up support poles. If you run out of water and soil you brought, take them from the keepers and walk 3m over the course of 1 month, 6 months, or a year. The movements of the people around you gradually appear faster than you can sense. You lose your words.
c: About seeds. If you can produce sperm, have the keepers collect it and inject it into another tree with an egg. Or if you have an egg, have the keepers collect sperm from another tree and inject it.
4: Slow down even further. Walk 3m on the soil taking 10 years, 30 years, or 50 years. The keepers also change generations, and the city changes. Friends forget about you. Even the police cannot distinguish whether you are a human or not. But you don't care. There are many trees around, and the day flickers like a strobe light.
d: About photosynthesis. In recent studies, technology has been developed to produce starch from light and carbon dioxide. Furthermore, they reproduce themselves. Cloning has already been successful in monkeys by generating artificial stem cells. All that remains is to wait for the realization of issues such as "human dignity". They are expected to be put into practical use in about one more step of time. Wait a little longer.
5: Eventually, it withers away.
Taipei Arts Festival, Taipei Performing Arts Center(2023)
Mt. Jade is in Metamorphoses
' was developed as a collaboration between lololol, Shin Hanagata and Wang Yu-Jun
Lead Artist
Concept, Executive Director and Video: Xia Lin
Sound Composition, Performer: Sheryl Cheung
Performance Artist: Shin Hanagata
Music Artist, Performer: Wang Yu-Jun
Executive Producer: Johan Chang
Performers: Lin Tzu Ning, Jung Ching Zhou, Zito Tseng, Chan-Kai An, Pusheng Tang, Wahcee
Technical Coordination (Pre-Production): Yan-Yi Lo, Cathy Ho
Stage and Technical Coordination: Yu-Li Hsiao
Stage Crew: Chong-You Chen, Wei-Ting Lin, Yu-Han Zhang, Bi-Ru Wang
Artist Assistant: Mew Imashuku
Production Assistant: Yuyung Lin, Carol Hsu
Action Cinematography: Mark Lee
Live Recording: Chun-tien Chen, Mickey C Luan
Still Photography: Chia-Yu Hung、Jojo KAO
Art Design: scbc
Administrative Manager: Chieh-Ting Liu
Production: Future Tao
Commissioned by Taipei Performing Arts Center in collaboration with Kyoto Art Center.
Thanks to: NTU herbarium Curator Dr. Jer-Ming Hu, NTU herbarium Research Assistant M.Sc. Shian-Tsan Geng, Keting Chen, MA Huai-Shuo, Ms. Huang, Ming Ming, Hao Hao Film Co., Ltd., Pzong Chern Enterprise Co., Ltd., SHAO YEN, HAIRMOSA.LAB, Tyker, Min, Yun Chang, Tadpole Point
Sponsor: Ruifang Qing Yun Temple
Plant Donation: Liu, Jing-HengxLin,Kun-FongxManyuanyuan x Urayama
Landscape Design: Urayama x Yilanfanghua
Special Thanks to: Flower Nest x Mue x So Bright Professional Lighting & Audio Co., LTD
Organizer: Taipei City Government
Implemeter: Taipei Performing Arts Center