Uber Existence
2020-present | social performance, practical speculation, net art
Uber Existenceとは、"そこにいること"そのものを提供する、"存在代行"サービスである。利用者は、公式サイト(uberexistence.com)にアクセスすると、商品としての身体がずらりと並ぶのを目の当たりにする。そして、行きたい場所、なりたい身体に応じて存在代行者(通称アクター)を選ぶ。そして、アプリを通じて彼らと接続し、指示によってその身体を操作することで、実際にその場に"存在"することができる。キャッチコピーは、「家にいながら、外へ出よう。」
Uber Existence is a "presence agency" service that provides the very act of being there. When users access the official website, they will see an array of bodies as products. The user then selects an actor according to where they want to go and the body they want to be. You can then connect to the actor through the app, and by manipulating the body according to your instructions, you can actually "exist" in the place. The catchphrase is "Let's go outside while staying at home.
Together with engineer Katsumi Furuta, Hanagata implemented this service and actually started living as an actor. While documenting the strange events that occur when a body is replaced by another, Hanagata ponders the nature of labor, freedom, and "I" in the modern age.

システム構成 / System Configuration
The user can grasp the local situation from the camera and microphone worn by the actor, and give instructions for action through the earphones. The user can also speak directly to the site through a speaker attached to the actor's mouth.

ユーザーの操作画面 / User operation interface

花形が初めて"存在代行"した時の体感記録「鮮烈なる初めてのUber Existence」。Uber Existenceが存在する世界に住む1人のアクターとして、当事者としての体験を語っている。
A record of the first time Hanagata acted as an "Existence Agency". "The First Brilliant Uber Existence (English)". As an actor living in a world where Uber Existence exists, he talked about the experience as the person concerned.

The actor = user who remain silent at the cash register of a convenience store for several tens of seconds and are looked at very suspiciously by the clerk.

The actor = user who remain silent at the cash register of a convenience store for several tens of seconds and are looked at very suspiciously by the clerk.

The actor = user who remain silent at the cash register of a convenience store for several tens of seconds and are looked at very suspiciously by the clerk.

The actor = user who remain silent at the cash register of a convenience store for several tens of seconds and are looked at very suspiciously by the clerk.
少し前に始めた Uber Existence のバイトがかなり刺激的で、この体験は多分一生忘れないなと思ったので、感想をnoteに綴ってみました。https://t.co/PS33sHlHrr
— (hngt)a🥩 (@a_hngt) November 17, 2020
ネット上で初めて"Uber Existence"という語が使われたツイート。上記の体感記録を、Uber Existenceで働く1人のアクターとして投稿した。
This is the first tweet to use the term "Uber Existence" on the Internet. I posted the above experience as one of the actors working at Uber Existence.
Uber Existenceという外出依頼サービスに興味が湧いてきたから応募してみよっと😗
— トックントオル @ウバイツ八王子、相模原 (@valuestar357) November 18, 2020
「Uber Existence」https://t.co/vG6Mgwtsr4
— 稲見昌彦☁INAMI Masahiko (@drinami) November 21, 2020
Uber Existenceという嘘みたいなサービスができていて驚愕している…やってみたい気持ちと絶対嫌だという気持ちがせめぎ合っている………
— 眠り (@miiiiiiixer) January 5, 2021
鮮烈なる初めてのUber Existence|hngt_a #note https://t.co/18RjTfEFYd
Uber Existenceの「存在代行」サービスをしてる子のブログが演劇的にめっちゃおもしろい。これビショップの「委任されたパフォーマンス」どころじゃないよ。代行者という他者を鑑賞するのでなく、回を重ねることで代行者が自分以上に自分になってる。存在を外注することで、自他が反転してってる。
— Kyoko Iwaki 岩城京子 (@KIIWAKII) March 22, 2021
その後、実際のUber Eats配達員や、テレプレゼンス研究者、身体表現者などの間で反響があり、本当に信じ始める人々や、そこからこのサービスに参加したいという人々が現れた。
この他のUber Existenceに関するツイートはTogetter「Uber Existenceの話題まとめ」にまとめている。
Since then, there has been response and it has spread to actual Uber Eats delivery people, telepresence researchers, and body expressionists. Those who started to really believe in it and wanted to join this service appeared.
These tweets about Uber Existence have been collected on Togetter.

「uber existence」の検索結果(2020年11月現在)
Search results for "uber existence" (as of November 2020)

Visitors to the official site are free to register as actors. The "new actors" are the newly registered people from there in this reactions.
《Uber Existenceで初詣》,2021年1月, オンライン展「BECV.jp」
"New Year's Shrine Visit With Uber Existence", Jan 2021, an online exhibition "BECV.jp"
2020年の大晦日、ロックダウン下にあるオランダ・ライデンに住む留学生・シオザキは、COVID-19の影響で、年末の帰国を断念せざるを得なかった。そんな中、存在代行サービス、"Uber Existence"を利用して、彼は日本の神社で年越し・初詣をすることにした。そして、彼からの依頼を受けたアクター・シンは、明治神宮などが年越しの開門を自粛する中、コロナ感染者数の最多更新のニュースを尻目に、数少ない終夜開門をしていた寺社、神田明神へと向かう。
On New Year's Eve of 2020, Shiozaki, who studies abroad in Leiden in the Netherlands, which was under lockdown at the time, was forced to abort his plans to come home for the New Year. Under those circumstances, he decided to spend the New Year by making a visit to a shrine in Japan using the existence agency service Uber Existence that was available in Tokyo at the time. While places such as Meiji Jingu refrain from opening for the New Year, the actor who received Shiozaki's request, Shin, sets off towards Kanda Myojin, one of the few major temples or shrines to remain open all night, unfazed by the news announcing a new record of coronavirus infections.

Using an actor's body, a user buys sweet sake from a stall at Kanda Myojin while in the Netherlands.

Using an actor's body, a user buys sweet sake from a stall at Kanda Myojin while in the Netherlands.

Using an actor's body, a user buys sweet sake from a stall at Kanda Myojin while in the Netherlands.

Using an actor's body, a user buys sweet sake from a stall at Kanda Myojin while in the Netherlands.

パフォーマンス《感染症対策措置としての代行鑑賞》, KUMA EXHIBITION 2021(清澄白河)
コロナ禍の影響により、クマ財団主催の展覧会「KUMA EXHIBITION 2021」はウェブサイトでの開催となり、対面での展示は完全招待制での内覧会が決定した。その展覧会において、出展作品である ”Uber Existence” は、そのクローズドな展覧会においての遠隔鑑賞インフラとしても実際に機能した。展覧会内に、Uber Existence のブースが用意され、そこでアクターが待機する。そして、事前に予約した一般客が遠隔から通信アプリケーションへとアクセスし、アクターと接続、存在代行を開始する。それによって、招待されていない鑑賞者が Uber Existence を用いて感染リスクなしで招待制内覧会に「侵入」できる状況が生まれた。それは同時に、鑑賞者が ”Uber Existence”という作品の一部となって展覧会内を闊歩することで、本物の招待客から鑑賞されるという状況にもなっていた。
Performance "Substitute viewing as an infection control measure", KUMA EXHIBITION 2021, Kiyosumishirakawa
Due to the effects of the Corona disaster, the Kuma Foundation's exhibition "KUMA EXHIBITION 2021" was held publicly on the website, and the in-person exhibition was decided to be previewed by invitation only. In this exhibition, the exhibited work "Uber Existence" actually functioned as a remote viewing infrastructure for the closed exhibition. An Uber Existence booth was set up in the exhibition, where the actors were waiting. The public, who had made reservations in advance, could access the communication application remotely, connect with the actors, and initiate their presence. This creates a situation where uninvited viewers can use Uber Existence to "invade" the invitation-only preview without the risk of infection. At the same time, viewers became a part of the work "Uber Existence" and strolled around the exhibition to be viewed by real invited guests.
— クマ財団 (@kuma_foundation) March 15, 2021
KUMA EXHIBITION 2021では、存在代行サービス「Uber Existence」を活用しています。

The actors' waiting booth

Two remote viewers talking to each other in the form of actors.

A remote viewer listening to an explanation directly from an exhibitor
Uber Existenceの存在代行者の方にアルコール消毒してもらったとき、自分は消毒されてないけど操作する身体は消毒されているという状態が気持ち悪くて良かった #クマ財団 #KUMAEXHIBITION2021 pic.twitter.com/8hxfXqpzqr
— 市原えつこ / Etsuko Ichihara (@etsuko_ichihara) March 19, 2021
Uber Existence at #KUMAex2021
— Nobi Hayashi 林信行 (@nobi) March 20, 2021
Three actors will put mic & speaker on their face. Someone over the Internet hires one of the actors and instruct them what to do. Two art professors from distant locations were enjoying the exhibition and greeting to each other through their actors. pic.twitter.com/XlF0SJrOHy
KUMA EXHIBITION 2021内覧会でのアクターを勤めたくだしあによる体感記録。人工知能のフレーム問題との比較によって、代行身体の意思決定について分析している。
News Article Scraps in the Uber Existence world

Uber Existence が東京でサービス開始 | Bugfeednews
Uber Existence Launches in Tokyo

90代女性、パルクールでビル街を駆け回る【Uber Existence】| Gigizine
A Woman in Her 90s Runs Through a Building District with Parkour

傷害容疑で実行犯の20代男と教唆の女子学生を逮捕 Uber Existence使用か
A man in his 20s in the act and a female student as an instigator were arrested on suspicion of assault, possibly using Uber Existence.

アクター姿のまま結婚、"4人での代行結婚"を決めた理由 | Hummingtonpost
Marriage as actors. Why did you decide to have your "existence agency marriage acted by four people"?

人間さえ広告になる時代?新しい広告媒体「存在代行広告」とは | Bugfeednews
An era in which even people become advertisements? What is the new advertising medium, "existence agency advertising"?

Is the "proxy voting" conducted in the Daikoku mayoral election illegal?
Shin Hanagata
Katsumi Furuta - Communication application development
Kenta Takagi - PV production
Ryohei Shiozaki, Sogo Hashiguchi, Hitoshi Kunii, Megumu Hanayama, Kokozo Sakaguchi, Kanta Takahashi, Ryusuke Takeda, Ari Kubota - Practice cooperation
Kanta Takahashi, Yuumi Mabuchi, Myu Imashuku, Hinako Kawai, Hikari Saito - Professional actors
26th Campus Genius Award, BRONZE (Etsuko Ichihara Judge's Award) (2021)
KUMA EXHIBITION 2021, A warehouse in Kiyosumishirakawa & online (2021)
BECV.jp, online (2021)
26th Campus Genius Award Nominees Exhibition, online (2021)
CAF Award 2021 Finalists Exhibition, Hillside Forum, Daikanyama (2021)